Thursday, November 17, 2011

The Osama Bin Ladin Assasination

I was not sure whether to make this story public, but I have decided to post it out of a desire to get people to take our work more seriously.  I ran this story by the below mentioned FBI agent and his wife before publishing it.  Our thanks to them for their help.
A married couple came to our home for a private meeting, and unbeknown to me they had come primarily hoping to connect with their child who had died very young, which I'm glad to say happened and I believe brought comfort to them.   Later on during the session, one of the things I asked the people in spirit was, "What does this guy do for a living?" 
"He's like a cop," they said.
"Are you a cop?" I asked the client.
"No.... close though," he replied.  "I'm an FBI agent."
Marti drew a portrait of an Asian man.  I joked that it didn't look like any of his relatives, (they were both Caucasian).  I also said he was connected to his work, that he knew him and that he had been in prison, where he eventually died
"I work with the Asian mafia," he said, "and he looks like a guy I knew in prison that I got to know quite well.  I liked him and was trying to help him, but he died in prison."
"His name is Chang," I said.
"Yes that's the name of the guy I thought it was," he said.
There was also information given in their private session, about a living person called Bob, who I was told would soon pass over, and did in fact cross a few weeks later 
Then some weeks later......on Tuesday, April 26th, 2011. Marti and I were doing a phone session with a lady, when FDR, Jack and Bobby Kennedy and Martin Luther King appeared to me.  I was not too surprised, as I had spoken with them all, except Dr. King, on other occasions.  I asked them why they were all in front of me and they told me that there would be an assassination to do with President Obama. 
"When?" I asked. 
"Very soon, about a week," they responded.
I was somewhat taken aback, but I took what they said seriously.  When the session ended, I thought, "I can't just sit here and do nothing!"   I thought hard, trying to think of someone I could tell this to whom would not only believe me, but who might be able to do something about it. 
A man came to mind, the FBI agent that had recently come to see us with his wife.  I knew he was a skeptic to begin with, but apparently not any more, according to his wife.
I found their phone number and called them.  I explained why I was calling them and he agreed to do a phone session with me the next day, Wednesday, April 27th.  I wanted to see if I could get an exact time, date, and place, etc.
The session went very well.  The spirit people spoke clearly stating that the assassination would take place on Sunday, May 1st, between 3 and 3:30 by a single shooter!
The agent was true to his word, and passed on the information to a friend of his in the Secret Service, who in turn apparently passed it on to those who protect the President.
Well....... Sunday came around, and the rest is history, as they say!
Osama Bin Ladin was killed Sunday, May 1st, shortly after 3pm, Washington, DC time.
One thing that came to light from information discovered in the compound was that Bin Ladin was planning to try to kill President Obama on September 11th, 2011, which also fell on a Sunday!
I thought a lot about this event, especially the similarity of the names, had they meant Osama and not Obama, did I hear wrong?  Who would have believed...that Obama would get Osama!!
One thing I will also include from our phone session was that the location for the assassination seemed to take place in what at first I thought was a hotel.  I was looking on Google Earth while we were speaking and what I never voiced, but was thinking, was that the President's bodyguards would have him staying in a small private residence with a high wall around it.  I even looked at some large private residences.  I gave up after a while and I now know why.  I was looking in entirely the wrong location on the map, which was due to a misunderstanding on my part.
The agent told me that his friend in the Secret Service was very impressed with the accuracy of the information and that I might even get a visit from them, but of course if they did, and I told any of you, I would have to kill you!.......Just kidding.


  1. Great story Michael!!! You are getting good at this blogging business.

  2. Wow... I love it when these cycles complete. Everyone has access to the massive information from the spirit world. Whether or not they recognize it depends on how well they're tuned in. But if you're tuned in, get the info, and then it becomes manifest in front of you... That's the good stuff.

    ... Its like a psychic orgasm.
